Whispering Woods - English Edition
The path to victory leads through the forest. Explore your section of the forest, carefully plan your paths, and think ahead to find your way to victory.

Whispering Woods - English Edition
The Whispering Woods are a magical place full of secrets that need to be protected. As animals, you are the protectors of the forest. Along your paths, gather elements and complete tasks to preserve the woods. Explore your section of the forest, carefully plan your paths, and think ahead to find your way to victory.
Whispering Woods is not only stunningly beautiful but also incredibly clever. With lovingly crafted, organic illustrations by Weberson Santiago (Kelp, Sail, La Famiglia, The Great Split …) and deep tactical gameplay paired with simple rules, Whispering Woods is a true gem that promises countless unforgettable evenings in the heart of the forest.
Whispering Woods also features a captivating solo mode with multiple levels and additional solo materials.

Whispering Woods - English Edition
The Whispering Woods are a magical place full of secrets that need to be protected. As animals, you are the protectors of the forest. Along your paths, gather elements and complete tasks to preserve the woods. Explore your section of the forest, carefully plan your paths, and think ahead to find your way to victory.
Whispering Woods is not only stunningly beautiful but also incredibly clever. With lovingly crafted, organic illustrations by Weberson Santiago (Kelp, Sail, La Famiglia, The Great Split …) and deep tactical gameplay paired with simple rules, Whispering Woods is a true gem that promises countless unforgettable evenings in the heart of the forest.
Whispering Woods also features a captivating solo mode with multiple levels and additional solo materials.

Coming soon
Game Design: Christian Bustos, Bernardo Vásquez
Illustrations: Weberson Satiago
Editors German and North America version: Laia Gonzalez, Sönke Schmidt
Publisher German and North America version: Wonderbow Games
Publisher original version: Fractal Juegos
Year of release: 2025
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A brand of Avalia Studios GmbH
Schnackenburgallee 179
22525 Hamburg
community (a) wonderbowgames.com
Warning: Choking Hazard - Small parts. Not for children under 3 yrs.
BG: Внимание: Не е подходящо за деца под 3 години. Съдържа малки части, които могат да бъдат погълнати. Опасност от задавяне!
DK: Advarsel: Ikke egnet til børn under 3 år. Indeholder små dele, der kan sluges. Kvælningsfare!
DE: Achtung: Nicht geeignet für Kinder unter 3 Jahren. Enthält verschluckbare Kleinteile. Erstickungsgefahr!
EE: Hoiatus: Ei sobi alla 3-aastastele lastele. Sisaldab väikseid osi, mida saab alla neelata. Lämbumisoht!
FI: Varoitus: Ei sovellu alle 3-vuotiaille lapsille. Sisältää pieniä osia, jotka voivat aiheuttaa tukehtumisvaaran!
FR: Attention : Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 3 ans. Contient de petites pièces pouvant être avalées. Risque d'étouffement!
EL: Προειδοποίηση: Δεν είναι κατάλληλο για παιδιά κάτω των 3 ετών. Περιέχει μικρά μέρη που μπορεί να καταποθούν. Κίνδυνος πνιγμού!
GA: Rabhadh: Ní oireann do pháistí faoi 3 bliana d’aois. Tá codanna beaga ann a d'fhéadfadh a bheith slogtha. Baol tachtadh!
IT: Avvertenza: Non adatto a bambini di età inferiore ai 3 anni. Contiene piccole parti che possono essere ingerite. Pericolo di soffocamento!
HR: Upozorenje: Nije za djecu mlađu od 3 godine. Sadrži male dijelove koji se mogu progutati. Opasnost od gušenja!
LV: Brīdinājums: Nav piemērots bērniem līdz 3 gadu vecumam. Satur sīkas detaļas, kuras var norīt. Aizrīšanās risks!
LT: Įspėjimas: Netinka vaikams iki 3 metų. Sudėtyje yra smulkių dalių, kurias galima praryti. Užspringimo pavojus!
MT: Twissija: Mhux adattat għal tfal taħt it-3 snin. Jinkludi partijiet żgħar li jistgħu jinqalgħu. Periklu ta' fsada!
NL: Waarschuwing: Niet geschikt voor kinderen onder de 3 jaar. Bevat kleine onderdelen die kunnen worden ingeslikt. Verstikkingsgevaar!
PL: Ostrzeżenie: Nieodpowiednie dla dzieci poniżej 3 lat. Zawiera małe części, które można połknąć. Niebezpieczeństwo zadławienia!
PT: Aviso: Não indicado para crianças menores de 3 anos. Contém peças pequenas que podem ser engolidas. Perigo de asfixia!
RO: Avertisment: Nerecomandat copiilor sub 3 ani. Conține piese mici care pot fi înghițite. Pericol de sufocare!
SE: Varning: Ej lämplig för barn under 3 år. Innehåller små delar som kan sväljas. Kvävningsrisk!
SK: Upozornenie: Nevhodné pre deti do 3 rokov. Obsahuje malé časti, ktoré môžu byť prehltnuté. Nebezpečenstvo udusenia!
SI: Opozorilo: Ni primerno za otroke, mlajše od 3 let. Vsebuje majhne dele, ki jih je mogoče pogoltniti. Nevarnost zadušitve!
ES: Advertencia: No apto para niños menores de 3 años. Contiene piezas pequeñas que pueden tragarse. Peligro de asfixia!
CS: Varování: Není vhodné pro děti do 3 let. Obsahuje malé části, které mohou být spolknuty. Nebezpečí udušení!
HU: Figyelmeztetés: 3 év alatti gyermekek számára nem alkalmas. Apró alkatrészeket tartalmaz, amelyek lenyelhetők. Fulladásveszély!